A Travellerspoint blog

Brunswick Reflections

While we were in Brunswick, Ga. a big, pretty sailboat pulled in for the night. The next morning, one of the crew said that he had taken a picture and would e-mail it to me, which he just did. Brunswick_Reflections.jpg He titled his e-mail: Brunswick Reflections which seemed good enough. I like the picture and decided it was worth a belated entry.

The story is interesting, though. The boat belongs to a male movie star whose name I promised not to publish on the internet. Suffice it to say that he is a name that all would recognize. The crew was taking to boat from Annapolis, MD, to the Bahamas while he is in Europe filming a movie, and was planning to fly to the boat later. It's an impossibly small point of nexus with another's life, but one none the less.

Posted by sailziveli 13:04

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